15+ Leyland Cypress Branches Turning Brown. Browning on newly planted leyland cypress could be caused by a number of different things. Leyland cypress (x cupressocyparis leylandii) has a lot going for it.
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Perhaps the two trees that are turning brown are suffering from moisture stress. The leyland cypress (x cupressocyparis leylandii) has a lot going for it. All it takes is a little work to keep it looking great.
My leland cypress trees have developed some brown edges but also have some small branches dying.
Why are my leyland cypress trees turning brown and what. Leyland cypress is a hybrid between monterey cypress (cupressus macrocarpa) and alaskan yellow cedar (cupressus nootkatensis). When needles turn brown or drop, the tree is reacting to environmental stresses. If you space your leylands too close, it may stunt the growth or starve the roots of nutrients.